Cooper Plains Library
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Springers Solar has worked with Brisbane City Council on a number of libraries across Brisbane. Brisbane city council is committed to a clean, green and sustainable Brisbane. Council maintains it's carbon neutral status in line with the Australian Governments Climate Active Carbon Neutral Standard for Organisations and it's certified carbon neutral under the Climate Active program.
This certification is recognition of Council’s efforts to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve and maintain this Council:
measures our greenhouse gas emissions from all sources including the Rochedale landfill, electricity use in buildings and street lights and fuel use Council buses and ferries
takes steps to reduce our carbon footprint where possible, such as through landfill gas capture and combustion, energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives
purchases and cancels eligible carbon offsets to cancel out all remaining emissions
publishes an annual Carbon Neutral Public Disclosure Statement.
Council's current achievements:
achieved carbon neutral status for Council operations in 2016-17, negating more than 800,000 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions
planted two million trees in the Brisbane local government area within four years - the largest project of its type worldwide, solely delivered by a local government in a defined local government area
protected more than 15,000 hectares of bushland and parks
more than 2000 parks across the city
37% natural habitat cover. Council is on-track for more than 40% natural habitat cover by 2031
achieved the 500-hectare bushland acquisition target in 2011. Since 1990, 3000 hectares of significant bushland has been purchased through Council's Bushland Acquisition program
purchased almost one million tonnes of accredited carbon offsets since 2007 to neutralise the carbon emissions from Council's bus, ferry, fleet vehicles and stationary gas use. Continued procurement of new buses has meant that over half the fleet is now the highest environmentally-friendly standard commercially available in Australia
supported the renewable energy industry and reduced greenhouse gas emissions associated with Council’s electricity use by purchasing renewable energy and installing rooftop solar systems
rehabilitated 58 local waterway sites to enhance waterway health. Sixty kilometres of waterway corridors were rehabilitated and maintained by catchment groups in association with Council.
To read more about council updates just click here.